
トランプ政権に対する意思を示したニューヨークタイムスのテレビコマーシャル: TV Commercial | The Truth Is Hard | The New York Times

アルゼンチンタンゴのミロンガをスケッチ - Sketching Tango Dancers at Session72 with NYC Urban Sketchers

NYC Urban Sketchersのメンバーさんのアレンジで、アッパーイーストにあるSession72で行われたアルゼンチンタンゴのミロンガをスケッチしに行きました。タンゴの音楽に乗せ、ダンサーの皆さん楽しんでいます。
This weekend, I went to sketch an Argentine Tango Milonga at Session 73 at Upper East Side in Manhattan. Dancers were enjoying with different partners. 

Lucille was celebrated her birthday with her birthday dance.

 Time for the show and tell.

My sketches...

I have one more, but I'll post when I finish painting!


絵画制作を再開 - Starting Painting Again


テーマは「Step Into Liquid」で制作開始。
I haven't paint my style, Abstract Art, for long time. I found time this year to re-start painting because I finally graduated from the college end of the last year.
I dig out my old dusty paint and brushes from my closet. The theme of my new project is "Step Into Liquid".

I'm still working on it, but here is a section of my blue water painting.
Play around with texture is fun!


大好きなメトロポリタン美術館でスケッチ - Sketching at the Metropolitan Museum of Art with NYC Urban Sketchers

さて今回の土曜のNYC Urban Sketchersのイベントは、大好きなメトロポリタン美術館で行われました。天候に恵まれ、お日様の光がいっぱいのアメリカン・ウィングの吹き抜けの中庭でスケッチをしました。
I attended the NYC Urban Sketchers event at my favorite museum, Metropolitan Museum of Art this Saturday. I sketched at the American Wing all day!

I'm challenging myself to sketch multiple objects in the one artwork for a while. It's difficult for me to sketch within short time with balance.... I need to work on more on it.
We met at the cafeteria for lunch and having fun chat about art, art technique, art supplies, place to sketch and more.
Went back to the American Wing. I went to the balcony to seek a good view.

At 3 pm, we gat gather at the cafeteria again and do show and tell.
I love everyone of artworks! It's my happy moment I can see others wonderful art and shear my passion of art.
My another artwork of the day.


18世紀に建築されたホテルでスケッチ - Sketching with Central Park Sketching & Art Meetup Group at Mount Vernon Hotel Museum

この建物は、現在はMount Vernon Hotel Museumになっており、見学ができます。
I was looking forward to go this sketch event at the 18 Century former Hotel building.
There was a dining table with setting for guest just like in 18th Century.
The historic tavern room was located at the next to the dinning room. The Old fashion bar.
After the tour, the group was separated and started sketching. I choose to sketch the kitchen.


肖像画のスケッチパーティー - Un-official NYC Urban Sketchers Event, Portrait Party

毎年恒例毎年恒例の非オフシャルのNYC Urban Sketchersのイベント、肖像画パーティーは、マンハッタン53丁目にマンハッタンある改築されたばかりの綺麗なDonnell Libraryで行われました。
Un-official NYC Urban Sketchers Event, Portrait Party was held at the newly renovated Donnell Library at 18 West 53rd street, New York City.

We separated in 3 group of 16 people. We were taking turn of modeling and made 10 minutes portrait sketching. After we finish, we made a grid of portraits per a group to enjoy.